It is the ultimate goal of the A.L.P.O. Venus Section to attempt to assemble a completely homogeneous mass of accurate, reliable observational data collected over many apparitions, permitting an exhaustive statistical analysis. It is hoped that we might derive enough from painstaking observations and analysis to help provide some answers to questions that continue to perplex us about Venus.
   Venus Blog
Urgent Request for Venus Observations and Images
The newly discovered Cloud Discontinuity phenomenon was observed during the last few weeks by amateur astronomers António Cidadão in Portugal, Luigi Morrone in Italy, and Clyde Foster in South Africa, who have been contributing their observations to the ALPO Venus Section from 2022 May 15 through 25. An example of their observations accompanies this alert. The presence of the curious cloud discontinuity has been captured in their images. It is expected that the next observations of this phenomenon will occur again starting 2022 May 30 and about every 5 days afterwards. It will be important to determine when it will dissipate, so imaging with IR wavelength filters are needed. It is critically important to observe every possible day in order to cover the global situation of the middle level Venusian clouds. Imaging in UV may be useful in confirming whether this wave dissipates before arriving at the cloud tops of the planet. Observations should be sent without delay to the ALPO Venus Section at Important links with detailed background on the Venus Cloud Discontinuity are listed below for further information:  

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   Venus News Headlines
Oxygen Uncovered in Venus' Atmosphere

 German scientists using data obtained from NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) have detected molecular oxygen on our sister planet. While observed before on the nightside of Venus this marks the first time it has been detected in the day-lit regions as well. 

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Venus' Atmosphere Hinders Tidal Lock

A new study in Nature Astronomy links the heavy Venusian atmosphere as a reason why the planet, although a slow rotator at 243 days, has not gone the way of Mercury and become tidally locked with one side perpetually facing the Sun.


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Scientists Cheer "Decade of Venus"

Our sister planet is scheduled to get some long overdue attention. Planetary scientists are excited with NASA and ESA plans to send 3 spacecraft to explore Venus in the early 2030s, ushering in what they are calling “the decade of Venus”.

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   Event Calendar

Jan 10, 2025
Venus at greatest eastern elongation

Jan 11, 2025
Venus at dichotomy

Feb 02, 2025
Venus at highest altitude in evening sky

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