   Mars Apparition Notes
Rotating Mars
2022-2023 Featured Observations

The 2022-2023 Mars apparition is underway! Be sure to check here for updates and examples of observations from your fellow observers. You can send your images and sketches to for inclusion in our online gallery and review by the section coordinators (please do follow the file naming guidelines when doing so.)

Ice Storms Near Syrtis Minor

Mars Shows a False SPC in Early October
Large expanse of bright white dominates the South Polar Regions. The Red-filtered image of 2022-10-05 is the strongest showing of the three filters especially compared to the Blue-filtered image. This suggests possible CO2 or H2O ice on the ground.

Late September Regional Dust Storm
Early dust clouds observed on September 23, 2022. See below for images.

As of September 30, 2022 dust clouds spread Eastward as far as Hellas in the Southern hemisphere and Ismenia Lacus in the Northern hemisphere.

   Mars News Headlines
Global Impact of Electricity in Dust Storms on Mars

Mars is infamous for its intense dust storms, some of which kick up enough dust to be seen by telescopes on Earth. When dust particles rub against each other, as they do in Martian dust storms, they can become electrified. New research shows that one particularly efficient way to move chlorine from the ground to the air on Mars is by way of reactions set off by electrical discharge generated in dust activities.

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Significant Marsquake

The quake lasted four hours and identified layering in the crust that could indicate a meteoroid impact. The 4.7 magnitude temblor happened in May 2022 and released five times more energy than any previously recorded quake on Mars. Mapping the seismic activity on Mars will help inform scientists where and how to build structures to ensure the safety of future human explorers. Mapping the seismic activity, the location and frequency of impacts on Mars and the interior structure is important for future missions to the red planet as it will inform scientists and engineers where and how to build structures to ensure the safety of future human explorers.

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   Event Calendar

Oct 14, 2024
Mars at western quadrature

Jan 12, 2025
Mars at perigee

Jan 14, 2025
Lunar occultation of Mars